Before God: a preview of a new album by Mike Koop

This music podcast provides a preview of a soon to be released album by Mike Koop. This episode features his song "Before God," as well as an excerpt from "Loose the Chains." The album consists of 10 songs written by Mike for use in our saint ben's liturgy, and was recorded "live off the floor" in Rob Kwade's home studio in one session in October 2020.

Mike decided to name this album Brutal, which struck us as an odd title for a collection of acoustic songs written for use in the liturgy. When asked, this is how he responded:


There's a few reasons for the title. First off, I like using it as short hand for how unadorned and straightforward the recording is. Only the slightest embellishment of handclaps on two songs to alter how stark and naked the recordings are. Secondly: 2020 - I think that kinda speaks for itself! Thirdly, as a fan of brutal death metal, I liked the ridiculousness of naming an all acoustic gospel album "Brutal". And just the juxtaposition of such a title with acoustic music (and Jill's gorgeous album cover shot!) was amusing to me.

There are many elements to life, to our Faith - to existence itself - that are brutal. But that doesn't mean that we don't also see the beauty, the awesomeness (using the original definition of the word) and how astounding it all is and can be.

The album will be released for downloads and live-streams in early February, but while you wait we thought we’d provide the full track listing. For people who attend saint ben’s for worship these will definitely be familiar.

1. Before God

2. Absalom

3. Kyrie/Trisagion

4. Jacob's Well

5. Sanctus/Benedictus

6. I Know It's You (acoustic)

7. Break Every Burden - Isaiah 58:6

8. Rise Up Anointed

9. Prepare the Way

10. To the Faithful


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Memorial Service for George Edenhoffer