Nora Young

Nora is one of our resource people
for the November 5, 2022 conference,
Babel 2.0,
and is the host of CBC Radio’s Spark

Yes, our data is personal, but in another sense it’s social. We don’t live as isolated atoms. The pattern of our movement is connected to how others are moving, and to our relationship to them. The answers to regulation and protection of this data will lie with lawyers, governments, and privacy scholars, but we also need to step up. The new world of the Data Map requires a new world of Data Activists.
— from Nora Young's The Virtual Self

Nora Young is an informed and ideal guide for anyone looking to examine — and plan for — the ever-changing, high-tech landscape. As the host and creator of Spark, CBC’s national radio show and podcast about technology and culture, and the author of The Virtual Self, Young demystifies technology and explains how it is shaping our lives, as well as the larger world around us. She helps audiences understand trends in big data, new technologies, machine learning, and more.

Young was the founding host of CBC Radio’s Definitely Not the Opera, where she often discussed topics related to new media and technology. Her work has also been featured in print, online, and television and she is also a committed hobby podcaster. Her favourite technology is her bicycle.


David Balzer


A Benedictine Monk's Long View.