The Church in the City: Travis and Stephanie Unger

Over the course of this winter and spring, we're offering a short series of ideaExchange sessions, exploring what it is about being in an urban space that has helped our expression of church to thrive. For this first session, we turned to Travis and Stephanie Unger of Many Rooms Church Community, which is based in an area of the city just a kilometre and a half from us, but which in many ways it is a whole different social context. This podcast includes the opening portion of the session, in which they told their story, shared what they've learned, and offered some helpful thoughts on holding things lightly.

If you’re interested in exploring our full catalogue of our podcasts, you can do that by clicking here.

We will be back in March with the second in this series on life in the city.


Stumbling along: a sermon


And the greatest of these?