For a Time Like This: Be Our Light

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A music podcast featuring Jenny Moore's song "Be Our Light," from our 2006 album We Will Not Be Silent: music from saint benedict's table. Based on a 19th Century hymn text by Frederick Faber, this song has become a treasured part of our community's musical canon. That album is currently available for download on Apple Music


Jenny Moore kept company with us from 2005 to 2007, prior to her move to the UK to pursue graduate work in Fine Arts. At the time we were at a stage where we were just building our identity musically and liturgically, and Jenny played no small part in unlocking our musical imagination. She contributed four songs to We Will Not Be Silent, and then shortly before her move to London went into the studio to record a seven song EP for us, titled Songs for Listening to on the Train with an Excellent Set of Headphones and an Ambivalent Heart. Her songs are featured on two earlier podcasts in this series, “There’s a Time” from March 15, 2020, and “Bound Up” from April 30, 2020.

You can access links to all of the podcasts in this series by clicking here.

Be Our Light

The day has gone the hours have run
And you have taken count of all
Scanty triumphs Grace has won
The broken vow, the frequent fall
Through life’s long day and death’s dark night
Be our light

In our midst the lonely sit
We’re painfully aware of it
Let the joyful song be lifted high
So we can find some peace of mind
Through life’s long day and death’s dark night
Be our light

(Jenny Moore, from a hymn text by Frederick Faber)


The God Who Sees


This Strange, New World