Be Our Light: a new version


A music podcast featuring a new version of the saint ben's standard, "Be Our Light." Written by Jenny Moore and inspired by a 19th Century hymn text by Frederick Faber, on this podcast the song gets a fresh treatment by Anass Quinten.

Of his treatment of this song, Anass offered a few reflections: “The prayer in this song felt like it was written for me personally, or even that I was the song writer. It was when I started coming to saint ben’s in fall 2017, on Sunday evenings after it was already dark outside, all the while going through the darkest moment in my life. I would enter to find my seat, in dim lights. All I was hoping for at that time was to keep being able to see that dim light. The song was an incarnation of an unspoken bleeding prayer in me, and a hope for grace, for me and for others.“

Be Our Light

The day has gone the hours have run
And you have taken count of all
Scanty triumphs Grace has won
The broken vow, the frequent fall
Through life’s long day and death’s dark night
Be our light

In our midst the lonely sit
We’re painfully aware of it
Let the joyful song be lifted high
So we can find some peace of mind
Through life’s long day and death’s dark night
Be our light
(Jenny Moore, from a hymn text by Frederick Faber)

Jenny Moore’s version of the song is available in a podcast from June 18, 2020, and you can also access the full catalogue of these music podcasts by clicking here


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